Ms Princella Agesine is the Programmes Manager of Northern Patriots in Research and Advocacy (NORPRA). She is a health professional with over nine years of professional experience in Ghana Health Service and seven years of development work experience with the Ghana Red Cross Society.
She has expertise and experience not only in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health issues but also in programme management. She provides leadership for programme design, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
As part of her programme monitoring and evaluation function, she provides technical support to programme management team in generating data or collecting and analysing information about NORPRA’s programmes or interventions, and comparing actual results against planned results in order to determine how well the interventions are being implemented.
Princella has appreciable experience in ensuring there is allocation of common resources and skills within the programme’s individual projects as well as managing communications with all stakeholders.
Ms Princella holds B.Sc in Public Health Nursing from Catholic University College of Ghana, Diploma in Community Health Nursing from KNUST and Certificate in Community Health Nursing from Navrongo Community Health Training College