About Us


Northern Patriots in Research and Advocacy (NORPRA) was incorporated on the 6th of February, 2007 by the Registrar-General Department with registration No. CG169202015. It is also licensed by the Non-Profit Organizations Secretariat of the Republic of Ghana with licence no. DSW/6367.  
NORPRA with a mission to research, advocate and empower youth, women and persons with disability in underserved communities for poverty eradication and sustainable equitable development, envisions a society without poverty, inequalities, injustice and insecurity.

The organization has well-formalized and effective functioning structures and systems. Membership of its Governing Board are drawn from various fields of expertise that are relevant to the organization’s vision and mission. The Board is chaired by Prof. David Millar with Prof. Isaac Agyemang as co-chair. The organization also has a 9-member management team that manage the organization with high level of professionalism.

NORPRA works on six (6) thematic areas; Natural Resource Governance, Agriculture and Sustainable Livelihoods, Environment and Climate Change, Youth and Women Empowerment, Peace and Security and Human Rights and Social Protection.

With core values of Integrity, Accountability, Partnership, Inclusiveness, Professionalism and Non-partisan, NORPRA uses Research, Mobilization, Sensitization, Training, Monitoring, Tracking, Policy briefs and Engagement to deliver its programmes and projects.

NORPRA has over the years partnered and worked with many local and international organizations that share in its vision and mission. These organizations include British Council, IBIS West Africa, SEND-Ghana, UN-Habitat, USAID/Chemonics, Care International, St Francis Xavier University in Canada, USAID/NGGA/AGREE, Water Aid Ghana, Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), GIZ, Africa Centre for Energy Policy (ACEP) and USAID GTI.

With funding support from USAID Ghana Trade and Investment Activity, NORPRA is currently implementing Northern Women Empowerment Project in 12 communities in 5 districts of the Upper East Region to empower 600 women for sustainable livelihoods. Also, with funding support from ACEP under its Extractive Industry and Climate Change Governance Fund (EICCGF) NORPRA is implementing 1V1D Expenditure and Performance Tracking in 100 communities across the five regions in northern Ghana..

Natural Resource & Governance
Agric & Sustainable Livelihoods

A Society without
1. Poverty
2. Inequalities
3. Injustice and
4. Insecurity.

NORPRA exists to research, advocate and empower  youth, women and persons with disability in underserved communities for poverty eradication and sustainable equitable development

Integrity: We are committed to building stakeholders’ confidence and trust in our activities to consolidate our credibility in research and policy advocacy gained over the years
 Inclusiveness: We are committed to including the excluded in the spirit of leaving no one behind in our equitable and sustainable development drive
Partnership. We value working in collaboration with others as individual organizations, networks and coalitions for shared knowledge and resources for  realization of our vision
Accountability: We demand openness and responsiveness of duty bearers in our activities and demonstrate same to our beneficiaries
Professionalism: We strongly value high level of ethical standards, scientific approach, competence, expertise, systems and procedures in the discharge of our core mandate with high sense of objectivity.
Non-partisan: We are committed to being an apolitical organization without loyalty, fear or favour to any political party in government in delivering our core mandate

We work to improve sustainable livelihoods of youth, women and persons with disability in mining communities by influencing increased participation of communities in decision-making, equitable sharing of mineral wealth and promoting transparency and accountability in mineral resource extraction and management
As part of efforts towards promoting transparency and accountability in natural resource governance, we engage in data collection and analysis of beneficial ownership and integrity screening of companies in the extractive sector.
We also advocate for respect and protection of the rights of mining communities guaranteed by the minerals and mining policies and legal frameworks.

1. Past: British Council, IBIS West Africa, UN-Habitat, USAID/Chemonics, St Francis Xavier University of Canada, Care International & SEND Ghana.
2. Current: ACEP, USAID GTI, Water Aid Ghana, GiZ and EITI

We promote agricultural-led transformation of farming communities for food security, employment and poverty reduction through influencing agricultural policy for increased public investment in the sector.
We engage in data collection and policy analysis, policy monitoring, community sensitization and training, use of procurement monitoring, community score cards, social audit and public expenditure tracking on agricultural projects and stakeholders’ engagement on transparency and accountability in agricultural resource governance and management.
We support sustainable livelihoods of communities by promoting agribusiness for improved productivity and incomes