We, the undersigned and thumb-printed are members of civil society organizations and beneficiary communities of Government’s One Village, One Dam (1V1D) projects in northern Ghana.
We are very grateful to you for the opportunity to present this petition. While recognizing the important role of small earth dams in the socio-economic transformation of communities in northern Ghana, we wish to share with you the state of government’s one village, one dam (1V1D) with documentary evidence and to register our disappointment over the poor state of the 1V1D in our communities.

We were pleased and inspired by a policy statement in the 2018 Budget Statement and Economic Policy of the Government (Page 61, Parag. 276) that the Audit Service was increasing its audit coverage on government’s new polices such as One Village One Dam among others to ascertain value for money. However, we have since not sighted any audit report from your Service on these 1V1D projects.

As you may be aware, the 1V1D projects were funded by the Annual Budget Funding Amount (ABFA) of Ghana’s oil revenue to achieve the policy objectives of promoting double cropping in a year (2018 Budget, Parag 394), increase agricultural productivity, enhance food security and reduce the food import bill, (2017 Budget, Parag. 496) for improved livelihoods of the people.
For purposes of promoting transparency and accountability of public resource management and establishing value for money for these projects, we are invoking your constitutional mandate of auditing all public accounts to conduct an audit on all the 1V1D projects in Northern Ghana.

 As a Service that has over the years demonstrated practical commitment to the promotion of good governance, transparency, accountability and probity in Ghana’s public financial management system, it is our fervent hope that this petition will receive the attention it deserves.

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